
The God Revolution is brought to you by the Australian For Jesus Network

The time has come,” [Jesus] said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15 NIV

Australia For Jesus is a growing network of Christians formed by the Holy Spirit to help the lost people of Australia and New Zealand discover who Jesus is and, through repentance and faith in Him, be saved from sin and receive God’s Gift of Eternal Life.

Australia and New Zealand are suffering a shift towards secular humanism bringing the advance of lawlessness, the corruption of family life and the distortion of morality into ‘anything – goes’.

Christians must declare the Gospel for the sake of our lost people who are trapped in sin. Therefore, we believe that God is calling us to join Him in a Revolution of Righteousness – a God Revolution.

Our Vision – we see a Revolution of Righteousness orchestrated by God taking hold in Australia and New Zealand through a movement of God’s people, backed by fervent prayer, who are effectively proclaiming the Good News of Salvation across Australia and New Zealand, bringing multitudes to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

Our Mission – to raise up a force of 10,000 or more witnesses for Christ throughout Australia and New Zealand within the next five to ten years who will proclaim faith and righteousness through the Gospel and bring increasing numbers of people to Jesus.